Department of Musical Arts

theoreticalpracticalnumber of units
History and listening of world music223The development of the musical fabric, German music, Italian music, French music, the symphony in the classical era, music in the romantic era: composers.
Hearing and voice education221Melodic exercises in a lyrical form to train hearing to respond
World Music Theories22melody; Musical scale, principles of musical writing, musical scales and scales and their writing, dimensions, integrated musical notation
Groups playing and singing12To sing impromptu, mawwal, monologue, taqtoqa, song, poem
Democracy and human rights11The development of human rights in human history (ancient civilizations)
Blogging basics221The concept of modern global singing, the use of classical songs within the conversation, soft song, jazz songs, tanco, flamenco

Theater department

Principles of representation22Define the art of acting. 2- Practical applications, 3- Representative functions and characteristics. 4- Simulation
The art of sound and diction22The emergence of language and speech and its theories. 2- Practical applications. The appearance of sounds and the stages of producing sounds
Theater history22Theories of evolution and theatrical phenomena. Dramatic features in Mesopotamia, the understanding of theater
Direction principles22Definition of directing and the director. Characteristics and tasks of the director and his tools. Stages of development of the art of production historically
Theatrical fitness22The concept of fitness, the concept of theatrical fitness. 2- Components of theatrical fitness for the actor's body Training the dancing actor
Terminology22Drama, Theatre, Stage, Play, Auditorium, Ritual.2. Triaged, Comedy. Melodrama , Farce. End Stage , Central Stage

Department of Cinema and Television

theoreticalpracticalnumber of units
Photography12The first theory of technical photography
Drama principles22Drama in Film and Television "Applications"
lighting principles1Practical training (watching scenes from a fictional movie)
Principles of photography for film and television21Lighting rules in photographing the magnified view of the face
Aesthetics12aesthetic schools (classical, romantic)
Principles of montage for film and television21An introduction to understanding movie time

Department of Art Education

Subjectstheoreticalpracticalnumber of unitsStudy vocabulary
Principles of representation22The phenomenon of representation and imitation / the concept of representation and its specificities / methods and schools of representation / realism and the Stanislavsky approach
voice and meet22Definition of the art of recitation / the importance of the art of recitation for the contemporary man / exercises on poetic recitation / stages of word formation
Layout and colors2Proportionality of forms in solid nature - shadow and light, construction and theatre, proportions of the human body, shadow and light,
art elements22Art throughout history, calligraphy - how it arises, the nature of line composition, main types of lines, line directions, expressive and symbolic indications of line directions.
Principles of art education22The concept of art education, the importance of art education, the goals of art education, art education magazines, the relationship of art education

Arabic calligraphy department

Subjectstheoreticalpracticalnumber of unitsStudy vocabulary
Line vamp24Origin, development, characteristics, fields of use, tools used, supplies and how to prepare them, exercises on separate and connected letters, then sentences.
koufi font24Origins, development, types, exercises on connected and separate letters, then writing sentences, applications to create a calligraphy painting in one of the types of Kufic script.
Layout and colors24Line, shape, color, texture, design relationships, light and shadow, color gradient, layout patterns,
engineering drawing24Basic rules and requirements, international measurement systems, drawing scales, geometric projections, creating geometric shapes, minimizing and enlarging geometric shapes, geometric perspective, projection levels
Human rights and democracy24The development of human rights in the history of mankind (ancient civilizations), human rights in Islam, the characteristics and duties of the Islamic ruler, reading the covenant of Imam Ali (PBUH) to his ruler over Egypt, human rights in the ages

design department

theoreticalpracticalnumber of units
date of jurisdiction22Studying the history of fabrics and textiles in the world and the design methods used for each time period and for each society - adopting an assistant book entitled (History of Textiles).
Textile and fashion components2Studying textile materials such as cotton, woolen and silk fabrics and their components
computer22Central platform
Fundamentals of textile design12A study of the nature of fabric designs - design methods - variations of fabric designs
Principles of sublimation printing22Porous printing - Porous printing methods and types - Tools and supplies - Laboratory work - Foundations, frames, printing inks - Films and display methods - Types of fabrics
Department of plastic art
History of ancient Iraqi art24Architecture, sculpture, cylindrical seals, the era of Sumerian-Akkadian revival, architecture, sculpture, pottery
art elements24Calligraphy: its types, directions, (relationships between lines with applied exercises), the expressive and symbolic connotations of calligraphy types, with identification of the most important aspects on which artistic expression depends by calligraphy - color: its importance, the main sources of seeing colors in nature, Newton's theory of color
planning24Explanation of the meaning of the art of planning and its practical requirements and uses. Practical explanation of the methods of planning and preparing pens (cutting angle)
porcelain24Clay, characteristic of pottery clays, methods of pride, small pottery work, simple pottery sculpture, making molds, designing and decorating pottery works, examining pottery works
sculpture24Definition of sculpture, types of sculpture, sculpture and construction, sculpture and planning Building three-dimensional shapes Building curved shapes Bearing borders in sculpture